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Fun Guy is a good friend to have around when things get smelly, he keeps your fridge nice and absorbs odors in his belly!
Fun Guy is an entertaining solution to deodourising your refrigerator and is designed to fit adorably into the egg cups of fridges that have them. Use baking soda (not provided)
• BPA free
• Made of silicone
• Dishwasher safe
• Resistant to boiling water
Fun Guy is a good friend to have around when things get smelly, he keeps your fridge nice and absorbs odors in his belly!
Fun Guy is an entertaining solution to deodourising your refrigerator and is designed to fit adorably into the egg cups of fridges that have them. Use baking soda (not provided)
• BPA free
• Made of silicone
• Dishwasher safe
• Resistant to boiling water
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